Eat What is Good

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Thyme Tea to tame your cough

 I love how people from other cultures first reach for herbal medicines before seeking western prescriptions. Several years ago, I arrived at my friend's house in Lithuania for Christmas just over the hump of a bad cold. My incessant coughing prompted her to make me this tea, which worked so well I could forgo the asthma inhaler I was using.Find some thyme this summer and dry it to have on hand for tea during the winter..  Thyme Tea for Coughing1 tea pot of boiling water1 Tablespoon dried thyme leaves 1 Tablespoon unpasteurized honeyPlace the thyme leaves and honey in a teapot (with strainger). Pour boiling water into teapot and allow to steep 5-10 minutes.  Sip several times throughout the day when you have a cough. The leaves can be steeped several times before refreshing the teapot with new leaves. *If you don't have a French press works as a great teapot to steep.