Eat What is Good

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Moroccan Preserved Lemons

These are so easy to make and make simple meals like couscous taste so delicious. Meyer lemons are best for this. These lemons need to age for 1 month before use. To use, rinse the salt off and slice the lemon peel as you like and add to any dish you fancy a bit of lemon flavor.  Great for salads, pasta, couscous, meat dishes, stews etc.

white vinegar (to wash skins)

5 Meyer lemons (or other type)

1/4 cup Maldon sea salt (or Kosher salt)

boiled water, that has cooled to top off jars


Have a clean, sterilized jar handy (4 cups/1 liter). Place 1 Tablespoon of the salt into the bottom of the jar.

Wash the lemons in a bit of water mixed with a few Tablespoons of white vinegar.

Cut the top & bottom pointy tip off of each lemon.

Stand the lemon upright and carefully cut the lemon 3/4th of the way down so you have 4 segments that are still intact and not separated from the lemon. Squeeze some of the juice into the jar.

Sprinkle a teaspoon of salt inside each of the cut lemons.  Then squish into the jar and repeat with all the lemons. If needed, squeeze extra lemon juice on top of the lemons. Your jar should be very packed with lemons and half-full with lemon juice. Top the rest of the jar off with boiled, cooled water to cover (lemons must be fully submerged in the liquid).

Allow to ferment by sitting the counter for 3 days. Then refrigerate for 3 weeks before using. Store in the refrigerator for up to 6 months - make sure the lemons stay submerged under the liquid. If any mold appears discard all.