Eat What is Good

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Spring Greens Hash

Today's brunch = intuitive cooking at it's finest. Intuitive cooking in the kitchen requires a bit of skill + combining compatible flavors and textures & making utterly delicious a very simple way. You can do the same with whatever you have on hand, and it’s a great way to use up leftovers and avoiding waste.

Do you ever cook this way? Do you find your food tastes even better than following a recipe?

Today's brunch came about because I fancied a pile of greens and eggs, but not a frittata. I opened the refrigerator and pulled out to pan-fry:

Serves: 2-3

1/2 zucchini, diced

1/4 onion, finely diced

4 mushrooms, thinly sliced

8 green olives, chopped

handful winter greens (like a chard), slivered

1/2 c. leftover Spanish rice (or other cooked grain)

3 cold fingerling potatoes, diced

1/3 Spring garlic bulb, thinly sliced

handful cilantro, chopped

salt to taste

red chili flakes to taste

4 eggs

3 green onions, slivered (mix 1/2 with eggs & 1/2 to top after cooking)


  1. Simply head a large non-stick skillet over medium high heat. I used a knob of butter and drizzle of olive oil. Then, saute the all the veggies together. Stir every minute or so, until fully cooked. Place onto serving plates.

  2. Meanwhile, whisk together the eggs with a crack of sea salt and spring onions. Scramble to your liking and top the Spring greens with the eggs. Add a sprinkle of green onions and buttered sourdough toast. Enjoy.