Cleaning 101

Cleaning products from my apartment in Italy, circa 2014-2015

Cleaning products from my apartment in Italy, circa 2014-2015

 I love a clean house that doesn’t smell like harsh chemicals. Living with migraines means my body is very, very sensitive to the world, which range from food, to environmental toxins. I also learned that many chemicals in cleaning products get confused as estrogen in the body. Extra non-human estrogen-like substances are not a good thing for both males & females. I also noticed the days I cleaned, I typically ended the session with a migraine. Now even just a whiff of bleach can trigger a migraine. I started listening to my body and questioning what I was exposing myself to. I started using more natural, biodegradable cleaning products many years ago. Perhaps, like you I found them expensive and not very effective.

My friend, Marcia has a mostly chemical-free, clean home. Her house is always clean and smells fantastic. Her arsenal includes natural, cheap, and effective supplies.  I also want to point out that while I love a clean house, it’s also important to not go crazy on dirt. When bad bacteria are killed, so are good bacteria. It’s important to achieve a balance and be in symbiosis with the germs in your house. Scientists have proven that those who live in less sanitary conditions have healthier immune systems. Again, I’ll say improving overall health means improving gut health. Question the materials in your house. Do you live with very carpet that’s full of toxins from off gassing or filled with cleaning chemicals from carpet cleaning? Limit your exposure. Cooking with raw chicken? Sanitize. Cutting vegetables? It’s not likely you need a complete antibacterial wipe down. You can pretty much clean your entire home with: Baking soda, vinegar, salt, essential oils, 95% proof alcohol (for disinfecting) & some tools like: a squeegee, microfiber cloth or recycled old towels/shirts and steel wool. Soon you’ll have a very clean house and be saving tons of money.

Laundry: ½ -1 cup of baking soda per laundry load freshens the whole load and removes odors.

Scrubbing Kitchens & Bathrooms: baking soda, vinegar, and salt (large rocks or fine depending on the job) are perfect for scrubbing sinks, showers, baths.

Cleaning Mirrors & Countertops: Vinegar, rubbing alcohol, or 95% proof alcohol (sold on liquor aisle) are perfect for spritzing on mirrors or counter tops. I keep a spray bottle of vinegar near my kitchen sink for wiping down surfaces on a regular basis. Add an essential oil if you dislike the smell of vinegar, but the smell dissipates very quickly.Caked on pots:Boil water with salt, splash of vinegar, and a drop of dish soap, it's practically wipes clean

Adding Essential Oil: A few drops of essential orange or tea tree oil (natural antibacterial properties) leaves a fresh scent in your home.Microwaves:I’m not a proponent of microwave use for food, but for killing bacteria on your wet kitchen sponge for 60 seconds – it’s brilliant. Use tongs, as the sponge gets incredibly hot. Never put a dry sponge in the microwave as it could catch fire.Borax caution:It’s been stated to disrupt hormones & therefore has been left off of this list

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