Carrot & Beetroot Salad


A simple salad of shredded carrots & beetroot and the juice of a lemon. The food processor makes this salad in minutes and leftovers last up to 3 days in the fridge.

Sometimes you need easy sides and salads. The most time consuming part is peeling the carrots and beetroot, which I suggest you wear gloves to prevent having stained pink hands. Beetroot is so nourishing for the body: packed full of essential nutrients and fiber, as well as improving blood flow. I once read that beetroot is so good for the body, one can consume daily. This salad is also perfect for winter when tomatoes and other summer produce is imported and not at it’s prime.

3 carrots

3 beetroots

1 lemon


  1. Peel the carrots and beetroots. Trim and discard the ends.

  2. Using the food processor, shred using the finest blade.

  3. Place contents in a salad bowl and drizzle the juice of 1 lemon. Toss and serve.

  4. Additional nice flavor to add if you like: feta, slivered mint or parsley.


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