Mary Berry Opens the Food Studio!


Yesterday, I had the opportunity to meet the lovely Mary Berry. She came to officially open the Food Studio, located inside Sarum Hall School, where I am head of the brand-new cooking school.

This was a dream come true in so many ways! I’ve been dreaming of directing a culinary school for the past decade. I was thrilled that Sarum Hall School had the foresight to build a community space within the campus to teach both the students (girls, ages 3-11) how to cook each week and offer courses for the greater community. It was so much fun to build a cooking school from the ground up and decide on all the equipment to outfit the space, and delve into a comprehensive curriculum plan to teach real cooking to all ages, not just fruit salad.

Mary arrived early for a private tour of the school and Food Studio. She candidly shared a few anecdotes about her own time in home economics as a young girl, which I promised not to share! She was exactly as one would imagine and spoke of cooking with her grandchildren and inspired the girls to remember to read a recipe 3x before attempting to cook. This very helpful fact was often a ‘shared’ item when I asked during cooking lessons what they should do next. The girls really took her visit to heart and their enthusiasm for cooking never waned. Mary was also impressed that we had the same ovens from Bake-Off, by Neff. I have to say the oven door that tucks in, is genius. She was a true delight and it was the most special day of my food career thus far.

You can read the news article here.


Just a little icing practice:


Turkish Breakfast