Turkish Breakfast


Before I met my husband, I’d never met a Turkish person and vaguely knew of Turkey, but never tasted their cuisine or visited this part of the world. All that changed of course after we met and married. My mother-in-law runs a top-20 food blog in Turkey, called Tuzekmek (which means Salt & Bread) hopefully one day she’ll translate her traditional recipes to English. She’s been archiving regional recipes for decades to preserve the heritage.

Anyhow, I never had Turkish breakfast before going to visit Turkey, but in a sense it’s very healthy and full of fresh things vs. processed foods like American breakfasts. While there’s nothing really that special about Turkish breakfast, what I love is the simplicity and how quickly one can but together a full breakfast table. In the time it takes to hard-boil an egg (we like quail eggs), the entire table can be ready. Give it a try and yes, handfuls of vitamin C - rich parsley are eaten for breakfast. Turkish coffee comes after the meal vs. before.






hard-boiled eggs

Breads: such as bazlama (similar to English muffins) or hashhashli (tahini-stuffed pastry)

Freshly squeezed juices


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