Persian-Inspired Rice


Sometimes brown rice and get quite boring. This simple rice keeps it flavorful and adds a hint of spicy making this perfect to accompany your favorite curry or simply perking up leftovers (we used chopped & steamed broccoli & leftover turkey burgers).

1 cup brown rice

1 cup wild rice

4 cups water

1 teaspoon Maldon sea salt

Optional: pinch saffron

1 cinnamon stick

6 Allspice berries

6 black peppercorns

Fried onions:

1 onion, slivered

1 Tablespoon butter

1 teaspoon chili flakes

1 teaspoon dried mint


  1. Rice cooker: Place all ingredients in and cook for 1 hour. Enjoy.

  2. Stovetop: Place all ingredients into a large saucepan and bring to a simmer. Cover and reduce heat to low. Cook until all water is absorbed and rice is fluffy - approximately 1 hour. Remove the cinnamon stick, allspice & peppercorns before serving.

  3. For the onions: in a frying pan, pan fry the onions alongside the butter, chilies and mint until the onions are slightly browned and turning crispy, but not burnt. Toss the onions with rice and serve alongside leftovers or your favorite curry.


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